Where Every Moment is Golden
We raise our puppies inside our home because we strongly believe that home raised puppies are both ethically the right thing to do, as well as producing the most well-adjusted puppies.
The downside to this is we do not have an office or kennel outside of our home that people can visit, Just to Visit.
There is a very high demand for a puppy from us due to our good reputation, dedication, and the above and beyond efforts to rear puppies in the most advantageous way possible.
We get approximately 6 - 12 calls and email inquiries a day. Many of those want to visit, and spend a few hours with us, and play with the puppies. Most say “We might want a puppy years in the future and are interviewing breeders now”, or “We think we might want a particular breed but have never actually met one”, or "We are trying to see which breed is right for us", or “We want to make sure we are not allergic before committing,” so they want to come visit our dogs to decide if they really like our Golden Retriever Puppies.
There are a number of “What to do when buying a puppy” websites that are outdated and advocate for visiting the breeder and meeting the puppy’s parents first.
The major flaw with these sites is that their priority is the buyer, and NOT the health and safety of the puppies and the breeders.
Many folks don't realize there are countless things to consider as a breeder of home raised puppies. The dangers of exposing young puppies to communicable disease is very serious and can be detrimental to a breeding program and the welfare of our dogs.
Visitors can (of course unknowingly) bring diseases onto the property on their feet, hands, etc.
Young and newborn puppies don’t have fully developed immune systems and are susceptible to life threatening illnesses, including Parvovirus, Canine Influenza, Pneumonia, Canine Herpes Virus, Kennel Cough, etc. They will have maternal antibodies built up as they grow and get stronger. Therefore, precautions must be taken to ensure their safety. They are not old enough to vaccinate as it interferes with their maternal antibodies building and their own immune system coming on board and hurts more than it helps when administered too young.
When diseases like Parvo strike, they can kill a whole litter in a matter of hours and can stay in the carpet and soil for years which would be devastating to our breeding program and property for many years to come. Disease can be carried on people’s clothing, hands, shoes, etc. and can live for years in the soil, pet stores, carpet, dog parks, training facilities, kennels, vet offices, rest stops, etc. (anywhere dogs go) and unknowingly be tracked in.
We Highly Recommend continuing the
Puppy Culture Program which goes until the dog is 2yrs old. Expanding your dogs world is vital to a social, calm, relaxed dog. HERE at legend, before they leave us they have visited at least 3 different locations, Our home - Relative Home - and Vet Clinic. They have been exposed to Many different sounds and surfaces. We try to lay the best foundation possible for your new puppy. The work doesn't stop with us tho, You need to continue their education!
We Highly Recommend Getting into puppy classes and continuing classes for at least the first 2 years of your dogs life. AKC has Many programs available for dogs to do like Barn Hunt, FastCAT, CGC, FETCH, and other performance events like Rally, Obedience and Agility. Even if you never compete keeping your dogs mind busy learning new things keeps them from becoming destructive from boredom.
Please Contact us if you need help locating a good training center in your area. For us we have to travel an Hour one direction for some of our training classes... Some classes are farther away. But Good training is well worth the drive and time.
Puppy picks are determined by the order in which you are added to the non-refundable deposit waitlist in the order they are received.
Legend Goldens reserves the right to choose first the puppies they will be keeping for showing and breeding since this is the main reason for doing this breeding.
When you come to pick out your puppy and take them home you will be given guidance on which puppy we feel would be a good fit for your family and what the temperament testing of the puppy revealed during our test, But the Final choice will be Yours. We only help guild you as much as you want.